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And no sorry to not play to your tune but ai am not a chabad opposer. I actually love the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
What I hate is the arrogance that you have and the fact that you believe that only the chabad opinions are right and not only that you also believe that everyone else should follow your opinions, because after all there cant be any valid Torah outside of lubaitch. And yes I know youll defend and find excuses about how its not true and chabad isnt about that, but give me a break I think its a little late to convince anyone here seeing as how you displayed your true colors on previous threads and here as well.
Regarding col Ive heard that excuse so many times but all it is, is a cover-up since col pretty accurately portrays the mindset of most lubavitchers. Ive heard first hand freely ridiculing others and the famous line “thats the difference between us and them”. Whether at a “farbrengen” if you can call it that when it usually turns into a bash-fest, 770, or even at a persons shabbos table when I was this close to walking out. It was despicable. Actually if youd like to compare “us and them”, then at least by “them” (outside of chabad) they dont compare and try to put down other Yidden every spare chance they get together.
You definitely wont convince me about your phony col excuses of how it doesnt reflect the lubavitchers mindsets because I know many lubavitchers and have actually spent time there so I know exactly what Im talking about. You will never realize this because you are part of it and will always be told “its because everyone hates chabad” or “they are jealous” or “they dont have the tanya”.
How can you justify such hate filled comments that are so freely thrown around whether on col or in person? They make you feel as if youll get some bonus points the more you put down litvishers and chassidim outside of chabad.
Not everyone goes by your customs or wants to follow them. Can you understand that everyone has their own Rabbis, minhagim, and opinions?
And btw you guys keep ignoring when I point out that even in 770 the menorah wasnt always diagonal and even some yeshivas have a curved branch menorah displayed in some form and including these public chanuka menorahs in D.C. and elsewhere which arent diagonal branches. Such hypocrisy.
” I mean, I knew that there are some people here that aren’t exactly fond of Chabad, but your comments completely threw me off balance.”
– You also knew that there are many lubavitchers who arent exactly fond of ANYONE else who isnt chabad right? And when I say many I mean pretty much everyone.
p.s.- kidush lubavitch!