Reply To: Little Froggie’s Simcha Thread 😄

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Little Froggie


Who and what?!? How did I cross your radar screen!? What in the world has little me, simcha and you in common?

I’m grateful to HaShem for giving me another day, another chance to make something of myself. I’m grateful to the poster who thought of me!! I’m grateful to the one who invented the pills / medicine my Dr. prescribed trying to get rid of my persistent flu/ ammonia/ strep combo. I’d be even more grateful when I have a clear head and reset mindset – to be able to properly thank HaShem for being Rofeh Chinam.

And to you, LightBrite, may you keep up to your name, be always a bright light, a shining example of goodness, kindness… spreading warmth and happiness. May you continue to shine forth, brighter and brighter, from day to day in Avodas HaShem…