Reply To: Chanuka Menorah

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@770- Some chabad light curved? Then why the firece holy war bashing everyones curved Menorahs? Besides Im not sure you are accurate in what you state since all the public Chabad Menorahs are diagonal with the exception of some like in D.C. where it is diagonal and then straight up. Almost looks like a curved Menora with a break in the middle, which again is hypocrititical on their behalf because if you preach one thing then stick to it.
And regarding “the video” its not just one video there are plenty of pictures. Besides you say the new one which looks like the Beis Hamikdash, which one? Didnt we already state the diagonal as Bayis RIshon and curved Bais Sheini? And if Chanukah took place in Bais Sheini,why not follow that version of the Menorah?
Also if the Rambam wrote a note regarding the drawing as for illustration/visual purposes only, why still attack everyone? And even if it was diagonal, most hold the second one was not and it was curved!