Reply To: Is it acceptable to go for a walk on the 1st date?

Home Forums Shidduchim Is it acceptable to go for a walk on the 1st date? Reply To: Is it acceptable to go for a walk on the 1st date?

Avram in MD


For each date, he had to take her out of the town so nobody would see her. So he had to plan out dates out of town and drive there after his hour drive.

So this is a little bit strange, and the young man can certainly factor this in when considering whether he wants a second date or not. Or he can talk with the young lady about it and maybe gain some perspective. But ultimately it was his choice to go with it, and a mature adult takes responsibility for his decisions.

The family is furious at me for enabling the whole thing. And I hear their point. But their fury really should be directed at the system which uses up the boys.

Wait, the family is furious? And at YOU for the young man deciding to go on a third date? Sounds like this young lady really dodged a bullet.