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PM Netanyahu Visits Gilo Accompanied by Mayor Barkat

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat on Tuesday, visited Jerusalem’s southern Gilo neighborhood in light of the recent announcement that 800 new homes will be constructed.

Mr. Netanyahu told reporters “United Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal capital. We have full rights to build in it. We have built in Jerusalem, we are building in Jerusalem and we will continue to build in Jerusalem. This is our policy and I will continue to support building in Jerusalem.”

Mayor Barkat added, “Jerusalem is one united city, which has not been partitioned into tribes and will never be divided. This has always been our obligation and it will remain so in the future. Mr. Prime Minister, you and your government are true friends of Jerusalem. Thank you for the support and the resources that you have allocated to the city’s growth and for the assistance that you have given to our right and our obligation to build and develop the city. We will continue to build tens of thousands of apartments throughout the city.”

The prime minister’s announcement earlier in the week led to renewed American and European Union condemnations.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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