Reply To: ashkenaz

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Litvishechossid, my arguments are not weak- it’s just you have to be willing to listen. Change the attitude. But now, let me elaborate: 1)Believing the Orthodox way and doing anything you want is not much better than Reform. It’s just that the Ashkenazim are more din-type of people- they don’t like to think they are doing something wrong. That’s why they may be tempted to even say kefirah to justify themselves. The Sefardim have no such problems – for them “we have yetzer ha’ra” is enough of a reason. 2)About the sheitls. If a woman follows her Rov who holds they are ok, she fulfills her obligation. I know there is a problem nowadays that most of them look too good, but those Poskim hold it doesn’t negate her fulfilling of the obligation. I find it galling that Sefardim should be talking about tznius. The officially Orthodox but not erlache Sefardim violate the laws of modesty in a much more flagrant way than the Ashkenazim of the same type.