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Does Der Blatt Endorse Hillary Clinton?

The Yiddish newspaper “Der Blatt“, has endorsed Hillary Clinton for US President, the NY Observer reports.

The following translation of Der Blatt was submitted to the Observer:

“Hasidic leaders from NYS urge you to vote for Sen Hillary Clinton and not to take it for granted. Her office is always open for any Jewish organization. What she needs is our help like she helped to preserve Jewish cemeteries in eastern Europe from being desecrated or help in securing funding for vital projects for our community or when our leaders need any help with any federal agency. She was all ways here and ready to help her office was accessible for our community. So now is the time to show our appreciation with taking the few minutes and going to vote for Hillary Clinton for president in the upcoming primary next week Tuesday Remember every vote counts.”

It is interesting to note:

Below is the full Yiddish text of the Der Blatt article, and nowhere does it say that Der Blatt endorses her – rather that “Askonim” are endorsing her.

חרדישע עסקנים פארלאנגן ארוסצוגיין שטימען פאַר פרעזידענט קאַנדידאַט, פרוי קלינטאָן
  ניו יארק. – די חרדישע עסקנים פון ניו יארק טוען אויפפאדערן דעם ציבור, נישט צו נעמען פאר לייכט די פריימערי וואלן קומענדיגן דינסטאג תרומה, נאר ארויסגיין שטימען פאר די פרעזידענט קאנדידאט, פרוי קלינטאן.
  סענטאר קלינטאן איז באקאנט פאר די עסקנים אלס איינע וואס איר אפיס איז אייביג אפען ווען אימער ס’האט זיך אויסגעפעלט פאר סיי וועלכע הילף. א טייל פון די ארבעט וואס איר אפיס האט זיך אריינגעלייגט איז געווען סיי ווען ס’האט אויסגעפעלט הילף מיט ראטעווען א בית החיים אין איינע פון די אייראפעישע לענדער; איר אפיס איז אייביג אפען פאר פראבלעמען מיט אימיגראציע פעלער, צו דאס זאל זיין א חתן פאר די חתונה, אדער מ’האט געדארפט קומען דאהי אלס סטודענט און די פאפירן האט געדויערט לענגער ווי דער לערן זמן האט זיך אנגעהויבן. אדער מיט סיי וועלכע הילף מ’האט געדארפט מיט סיי וועלכע פעדערעלע אגענטור, איז איר אפיס אייביג אפען פארן היימישן אידנטום.
  יעצט איז די צייט ארויסצואווייזן “הכרת הטוב”, מיט ארויסגיין שטימען. ווי באקאנט איז זי שטארק ארויסגעוויזן אויף יעדע שטימע, איז וויכטיג צו וויסן אז עס איז ארומגעטוישט געווארן עטליכע שטים פלעצער ספעציעל די וועלכע וואוינען אין די קאלאמענטי געגנטער. פאר מער פרטים וואו אייער שטים פלאץ איז, קען מען רופן 311

39 Responses

  1. I’m not really sure what all this yiddish means, so I asked my grandmother who’s vacationing in Miami right now and she said in her ancient Babylonian tongue ” Vat yu talkin,anything but Hillary!”

  2. i asked a KJ resident (just a resident – not a bigshot) who they were supporting in the primary – he said hilary. I asked who they will support in the general election if she is the candidate: he said that would be a problem…

  3. anybody who is listening to the thrash that the Blatt is writting has to have his head examained & just call KJ, ask for a favor & you will find out, never mind to get a phone call back from them,

    Voting is our right & its not there to help KJ it is here for us to enjoy & get what ever benefit we could,

    I would like to get a list of at least five strangers that KJ helped, just call them & the first question will be which Kehilla do you belong

    send KJ a big message & tell them to bug off.

  4. #2 i cant describe your comment any other then “anticemetic”
    i dont know where you are comming from, but if something written in a yiddish language newspaper gets translated to the whole country, how about something written here?
    i might be able to reach out to her and tell her that you thing its wrong, and she shouldnt do it to any of your family or friends…lol
    is this your point and goal?

  5. My dear Yeshivish Hocker (#3), how can you be a yeshivish hocker if you dont know any yiddish?
    Love you either way.

  6. When it comes to politics, Chasidim are more open-minded then other Frum Jews, and I’m proud about it.

    The KJ/Satmar leaders dealt with Hillary and were amazed by her willingness to help Yidden at every occasion. As someone who accompanied them to meetings with her, I know that she is a very warm and dedicated politician.

    I once heard from a Godol that every גוי is in fact the same, when it comes to תועבה, and after following the news for the last 15 months I now understand how right he was, when one anti-g– Republican after another were caught, and the Clinton scandals were nothing compared to these scandals.

  7. I have to agree with Herring and Kishke.
    It’s taka a modna zach for a yeshivisha not to farshtay Yiddish. The fact that your grandmother speaks Babylonian is highly unusual considering the fact that the language hasn’t been spoken in over two thousand years. My grandmother, from neighboring Mesopotamia has no relloction of your grandmother ever living in that region.
    It is high time for people immigrating to this country to start speaking English.

  8. Excuse me.

    No REAL askan (Torah oriented, that is) or any of the Rabonim or Roshei Yeshivos are supporting her. They understand better. They know that no matter how much bait she extends, does not wipe out her disgusting past nor her general outlook towards moral issues. (Need I go any further?)

    A Torah true nation does not associate itself with such a debased individual, one who represents shameless depravy, NO MATTER WHAT benefits would be given Yidden, a Kehilla or Eretz Yisroel. Wre’re smarter than that. We know better.

  9. By getting herself endorsed by the Blatt, Hillary has assured herself the job of President.

    In fact, when elected President, she has even promised to wear a hat on top of her Sheitel.

  10. did Rudy promise them any $$$ ???

    hillary did!!!

    so what do you want?

    (dont worry, i have a phone call in to romney; he’s arranging for them another govt grant!)

    and yesterday, you were complaining about simcha f

  11. Notwithstanding all the punditry of the YW readers some of whom even would consider voting for Hillary, I just want to repeat a little known fact (reported in the hallowed webpages of YW) that Sen. Lieberman told a reporter of the Jerusalem Post. Just as the Torah states ושמרתם את משמרתי, that one is required to create “fences” around מצוות in order to better observe them, Lieberman claims that McCain is the “strongest” candidate in support of protective “fences” around ארץ ישראל.
    Please keep this in mind before pulling the lever for Hillary (or Bill) of presidential pardon fame.

    It’s bad enough that a certain group of heimishe yidden were instrumental in Hillary’s election to the Senate … let’s NOT compound that mistake by sending her to the White House!

  12. I hope that she does not become President, I hope even more that Obama does not become President. I think Hillary is way better than him and right now we have to ensure that Obama is defeated.

  13. the blatt and its kind are as selfish as any other group.if its good for you do it.the question is,is she good for america?
    my vote will be for john mccain.

  14. the only thing that anybody knows about hillary is what her husband did and guliani did the same.i think she would make a fine president

  15. #9 You can disagree ith their politics, but it is wrong to say that KJ doesn’t do chesed. Ask the many people who were stranded there on their way to the Catskills late on Erev Shabbos.

  16. Town Crier,
    You are so off base its not even funny!
    Laiv Malochim B’yad HaShem and if she is CHV the president, we will all have lots of davening to do.

  17. The “Satmar’s” and their newspaper “Der Blatt” are very politicly savvy, if they endorse Hillary Clinton I trust their instincts and I will give my vote to Hillary Clinton.

  18. Who cares who they endorse?
    Think for yourself, if anyone still knows how, and decide who to vote for. there are many who are indebted to “Billary” for her goodness in the cash flow.

  19. Yiddish in Lakewood,
    It’s not such a Stirah that I don’t Farshtei Yiddish. You see, the Yeshiva I went to when I was young,led by Rav Ruderman Zatza’l,wasn’t really big into teaching yiddish. One time while we were sitting by the Rosh Hayeshiva Zatza’ls Chanukah Mesibah,He said something to me in yiddish and I simply smiled and said yes. When he said it again someone finally told me that I’m stepping on the R’Hayeshivas foot!But still I turned out to be a very Yeshivish Hocker.

  20. The “Satmar’s” and their newspaper “Der Blatt” are very politicly savvy, if they endorse Hillary Clinton I trust their instincts and I will give my vote to Hillary Clinton.

    Comment by ffb — February 1, 2008 @ 7:59 am

    A simple search on this website shows that you have only commented on Satmar stories/Kiryas Joel stories etc etc.

    You are a 100% Satmar Chosid.

    Stop with the games.


  21. The report is a news brief. The “askonim” they talk about are people like Ben Barber and his friends. They are Democrat operatives. We expect no different from them. I agree with avremele, until we see an editorial or an actual picture of the SATMAR askonim with a candidate there is no satmar endorsement.

    The askonim I talk about are Rabbi Arye Leib Glanz, and Moshe Indig.

  22. Why is everyone focusing on Bill and forgetting the very warm embrace that Rebetzin Hillary gave to Suha Arafat?

    The message couldn’t be clearer than that.

    #30 regardless of who becomes president, we all have lots of davening to do.

  23. Yeshivish Hocker
    I always wondered why the yeshive you are referring to let you, a chasid,in. I heard that the yeshiva you are referring to does not have many Chasidim. But now i understand you are a chasid who does not understand yiddish. The Shomrei Emunim Rebbe once said “Fetter Shuki Und fetter Uki gei Arois fun Duh”. learn yiddish and take a hint.

  24. ShmenDREK I play no games, I am in the real world, If you run a Municipal government with a population of over 20,000 people like KJ and you are in “the” lowest tax bracket in the entire state and you know how to get millions and millions of dollars thru Political connections for the benefit of your village, that’s what I call trustworthy for endorsing candidates so If they endorsed Hillary I trust them that she will bring the most money for other Jewish communities too, and NO I don’t expect anything about yiddishkeit from ANY of the candidates in the field since none of them are of Jewish origin, what do you expect from goyim??

  25. who cares who sotmer votes for?? i agree with #21 and 24 yeah vote mccain!! and babaloo and Heimishe mama no hillary shes horrible!!!! she only does whats good 4 herself but mccain is honest!!

  26. Chelsie once asked a soldier “are you afraid of anything?” He replied. I am afraid of 3 things.
    Osama, Obama and Yo Mama!

  27. Maybe she will help,all frum communities to get their own town and have the gov’t pay them for everything;food stamps,section 8,tax-exempt housing,free health care, medicaid and no jail time for Jewish criminals and swindlers. Then she can also give Eretz Yisroel to the palestinians and all will be fine.

  28. To #11 and all others who are of likemind:
    YES! there is a lot wrong with it! You don’t endorse someone to get a few jewish criminals off the hook, while jeopardizing all of Eretz Yisroel and ultimately, Klal Yisroel.
    By the way, anybody over at Der Blatt hail from Square Town per chance????

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