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Neturei Karta To Join Arabs In Protest At The AIPAC Dinner

nk1.jpgNeturei Karta will be joining with other Arab (terrorist?) groups tonight outside the annual AIPAC dinner in protest. The protest will be held outside the Marriott Marquis, Times Square, NYC.

The following statement was given by holocaust denier David Weiss:

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, a spokesman for Neturei Karta International, Jews United Against Zionism, stated at a recent meeting: “Philanthropists, government representatives and well meaning people, should be apprised of the reality, that supporting Zionism and the State of ‘Israel’ does not help Jews or Judaism, but on the contrary only helps to perpetuate the tragic impasse and constant bloodshed in the Middle East, both of Arab and Jew.

“Not supporting the State of ‘Israel’ does not make one, in any way, less of a friend of the Jewish people and most certainly does not label one an anti-semite.”

The Rabbi further stated: “The terrible oppression and deaths wrought on the Palestinian people in general and now particularly of those residing in Gaza is yet another example of the awful consequences of Zionism. We Jews true the Torah, issue a passionate condemnation of these latest Israeli atrocities. The deaths and suffering of these people, is only the most recent example of the sixty year toll of human suffering created by the Zionist enterprise in the Middle East.

“History clearly attests to the fact that the Jewish existence in all Muslim countries was mostly harmonious and only since the inception of Zionism has this relationship been destroyed. Remove the intimidation and hyperbole of AIPAC and its ilk, and any logical person will conclude that the difference of religion is not the cause of the deep seated rift between Jews and Arabs. The new ideology, the political movement of Zionism, which
culminated in the form of the State of ‘Israel,’ is the real culprit. In fact, Zionism is the direct cause for the exacerbation of anti Semitism universally.”

He further stated: “The Jewish principles of exile may be a shock and a complete surprise to the well-meaning friends and supporters of the Jewish people, but facts cannot be disputed. The Torah explicitly forbids us, the Jewish nation, from having our own State in this Heavenly decreed exile. We must patiently await the day when the Almighty Himself, without any human intervention, will bring the hearts of all mankind together to serve Him in peace and harmony.

“Furthermore, we are forbidden to oppress another people or steal their lands and homes etc. We are commended to be loyal, peaceful citizens in every country wherein we reside.”

The Rabbi added that, “It is a great embarrassment to us that the Palestinians have suffered so much for so long at the hands of those who masquerade as representatives of the Jewish people. Zionism is a movement that disregards the Jewish faith and its teachings on every area of life, including its commandment that we seek peace and justice towards all people.

“Rabbis, Orthodox Jewish leaders and laymen, have been fighting Zionism continuously since its inception and up until the present day. True Torah Jews will never accept Zionism and the State of ‘Israel.’

“May we merit to see, soon in our days, the peaceful and speedy dismantlement of the State of ‘Israel,’ and the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophesies. ‘And they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. No nation will lift its sword against any other, nor will they learn warfare anymore.'”

36 Responses

  1. the reason we kal yisroel have so many problems is because of these (jews)animals. go to the zoo where you belong!!! why dont they dress like them??? if they act like them???take off the jewish clothing!!!


  3. the neturei karto should be investigated as to what services,other than their direct affiliation with the arab terrorists, to determine if we are somehow supporting this ill-fested it thru merchandising, hechsheirim, schools etc.; this information should be made public for public consumption.

  4. what a mega hillul hashem!!
    the reguler joe shmo on the street groups us all together
    not being able to diffrenciate between one group of jes and anoth


    “…holocaust denier David Weiss…”


  6. i think he should be barred from coming into the us. i believe he is not a us citizen (belgium, vienna, ?) and his visa can be revoked. esp for trading with the enemy (us passport not valid to iran). actually , his passport can be revoked on that ground alone, provided he did not spend us $ there.).

    i do not believe this is “mesirah” (as if mesirah would apply to such a

  7. There should be interest in a counter demo, for Jews to sit quietly while other Jews ban together with Arabs is showing the world, that JEWS LACK SELF-WORTH.

  8. I actually find these articles useful!! I can tell when our local ‘Arab’ and his wife might be away from town!
    Sammygol – I love your poem! What is it plagiarised from?!

  9. I don’t know about their methods (mischaber larasha, chilul Hashem, Kidush HaShem – who knows?)

    But their statements and outlook regarding Zionism and the State of Israel seem right on. The only practical difference that I see is that Agudah believes it is OK to join their government to, bidiAvad, now that the State is a reality, try to influence for the benefit of the orthodox population, from within the government, whereas NK believes that the whole thing is treif.

    Somehow, I think NK is closer to the truth than the “Agudah” position.

  10. true that ther hashkafa is correct about the state of israel and zionists the chillul hashem they make is an abomination yimach shimum

  11. let us reiterate- it is irrelevant whether the state is kosher. 1 does not stand together with the murderers of jews for any reason period. the mufti the pollacks etc were hating and murdering jews long before the “zionist state” so please do not help the world rationalize their hatred for us

  12. YW EDITOR – we ask you every time you post this junk to please stop. Why don’t you listen to your readers? These people are not worthy of reporting on & their actions are not of any interest to your readers!

    Unless you have a reason why you keep posting this type of junk, please stop!!

  13. #3: “While their actions may be objectionable, their hashkofos are 100% daas torah. The Satmar rav z”tvkl states…”

    “And if those statements sound shocking to the typical kefiradikke commenters, then complain to the the Torah HaKedosha itself, not to me.”

    principle: actions are driven by hashkofos and you can tell a persons hashkofos by their actions.

    to say that their haskofos are 100% is 100% wrong. The Satmer Rebbi Z’TVKL NEVER held a demonstration against Jews or the State of Israel jointly with non-Jews. FACT: when there was a planned demonstration at the Israeli embassy in NYC and non-Jews found out about it and were going to attend, he cancelled the demonstration. Reason given: We have legitimate issues, they just hate us.

    if weiss and the rest of the nk-nuts had proper haskofos, and they were truly followers of the teachings of the Rebbi, they would NEVER join hands and march with non-Jews against Jews.

    now if you have complaints against my post, then check your hashkofos. Now, as shocking as it may sound to you, those of us that disagree with your post and especially with linking the nk-nuts to the Satmer Rebbi Z”TVKL, are not the ones espousing kefiradikke thoughts.

  14. [quote]”…a spokesman for Neturei Karta International, Jews United Against Zionism, stated…”[/quote]

    I wouln’t even call them “Jews United Against Jews” Maybe “Jewish Born People United Against Jews”.

  15. all the idiots that have decided that what the Satmar Rabbe Hagoen R’Yoel T is that for the state of Israel to disappear!!!

    We all know that what he meant was for Moshiach to come and Zionism to disappear.

    nothing in this world will help unless its hashems will to annihilate the Jewish people who live in the holy land.

    anyone that aligns themselves with the murderers Arabs like Neturei Karta have done in the past will pay for it Bezer Hashem.

    The Satmar R’ Z’L

    wanted the Zionism cause dead not the Jewish people who live in the holy land.

  16. attention all you smart allicts: the only way israel is ours is when Hashem gives it to us- and as far as i remember the zionists said one day that ‘israel belongs to the jews’ which is true don’t get me wrong but it belongs to the jews when Hashem wants it to happen!! so the only way we get Yerushalayim is if we start doing some teshuva and davening!!!!!
    may we see the bais hamikdash built soon!

  17. #32
    “and as far as i remember the zionists said one day that ‘israel belongs to the jews’ which is true don’t get me wrong but it belongs to the jews when Hashem wants it to happen!!”

    Show some hakoros hatoiv to those zionists. Without them, ungrateful yiddin like yourself would not be able to stuff their faces at Shaarei Shnitzel or throw rocks in Yerushalayim or stay at The Plaza every Pesach.

  18. #36
    im sorry to be so blunt but those zionist get no credit at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    however i am a very grateful person! grateful to hashem for allowing us yidden to live and visit eretz yisrael!!! and to those men and boys learning torah for the sake of klal yisrael!!! so no i will NOT show any hakaras. to the zionist!!

  19. to # 36 lgbg.
    If Moshe rabeinu can show hakoras hatov to a river, i can feel hakoras hatov to an 18 year old jewish boy who lays his life on the line. This tinuk shneshba will risk his life FOR YOU, what will your response to him be if you met him?
    (PS Don’t answer he has no choice , because many of them re-enlist and secondly hakoras hatov is dependant on your benifit, not his intention.)

  20. to #13 “deepthinker”…whether he is denier or not he attended the holocoust denying summit in Tehran, Iran this year, and it wasen’t to defend those who “believe” it happened…..anyway “reb lazer oimar lo l’echinom holach hazarzir eitzel hoireif ayla mipney s’he mino” chulin 65a, translated into english you judge a person by the company he keeps!!

  21. I don’t know how old the readers on this blog are? But I do rember the the satmar rebbes era, there were gedolim like the klusinberger rebbe, the lubavitche rebbe, who held that it was good thing the the Medina came in to place, and I clearly rember in school were I went, that had a mix of chasidishe boys, satmar, kulsinberg, belz, and so on that the satmar boys, at that time were very fast and lose with the word yemach shemom on all gedolim that did not adhere to the shita, if I am not mistaking the satmar boys would tell me that they would sing songs in mass in front of the satmer rebbe by his tish with the words bederach agudah yesoid hatumah, or the words zionestion agudistion yemach shemom, they sang it in yeshiva as well, so I’m assuming anybody from satmar would remember theses things.That stuff really shocked me as a litvesheh boy back then, I could not belive the the rebbe would condone the use of those words and if he did I’m assuming that’s were nk got there mehalach.

  22. Why on earth should yeshiva world stop reporting about NK?

    If you believe that sticking your head in the ground will make the problem go away (the ostrich approach) you utterly mistaken and historical evidence if my proof.

    Even if NK’s objective is a publicity stunt, ignoring them hasn’t stopped them. When I started a group after their charade in Iran people were outraged enough to join my cause and I currently have 1,496 individuals ready an waiting to fight back at NK.

    This coming week at university campuses across the world is an event called “Israel Apartheid week” This event has nothing to do with Zionism and is pure propaganda that is promoting anti-semitism. It is one of the clearest examples of even if you don’t hashkafikly agree with the secular state of Israel that you notice that the target of these events are not against Israel but against JEWS!!!
    If your stuck in Jew York city or Lakewood and not personally confronting people that want you dead you should not be passing judgement.
    If your interested in knowing how your supposed to treat a Rodef checkout our response, we called it “Islamic State Apartheid Week”

  23. #36
    “im sorry to be so blunt but those zionist get no credit at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    however i am a very grateful person! grateful to hashem for allowing us yidden to live and visit eretz yisrael!!! and to those men and boys learning torah for the sake of klal yisrael!!! so no i will NOT show any hakaras. to the zionist!! ”

    What a disgusting thing to say!? It’s not the Koillel hockers who mooch off the gvmnt, dont pay taxes, and dont contribute to society that help Israel exist. They’re not the ones risking their lives for other Jews every day. The soldiers are, and they risk their lives for ingrates like yourself.

  24. #42
    woooooooooooowwwwwwww!!!!! that’s really what i have to say, but you probably will imagine of what i mean, so i’ll waist my time for you and explain what i mean.

    I SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE SOLDIERS WHO PUT THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE TO FIGHT FOR WHAT THEY BELIEVE IN! actually if you really want to know, i have much hakaras hatov for them in a whole different way. trust me i could cry when i see those young innocent children who have to fight.

    im talking about the zionists who put them there. you know what if you think what they did was right, go and check how many of those zionist are reall emesdik yidden, ask what there fighting for; for israel or for Hashem??

    those zionist RUINED israel, they take away from the charadim, whos whole life is to serve the ribono shel olam!

    go to the chachomim of Israel and ask if they respect the zionists and see what they say!!

  25. As it happens, the Satmer Rebbe ZTV’L was by far in the majority in his take on zionism.

    It is on the Rebbe’s reponse and actions actively opposing zionism that was not necessarly followed by all those who clearly were in the majority in concurence on the Rebbe’s stong anti-zionist stance.

    Just about all the Rabbonim mentioned above as purportedly supporting zionism (i.e. Rav Shlomo Zalman ZTV’L) were in fact completely opposed to zionism (though they may not necessarily have participated in all the strong anti-zionist activities and actions taken by the Satmar Rebbe and others.)

  26. The amount of Sinas Chinam aspoused by some here is disgusting. It’s a two way street you know. You hate the Zionists and the Zionists hate, in turn, ALL frum Yidden. So I ask how is this cycle of hate going to get us anywhere?
    To all who don’t care that it’s the the outher secular and some frum yidden who put their life on the line for you: Shame on you! No wonder the frie tend to dilike frum Yidden. You are all a huge Chillul Hashem.

    And now on a constructive angle to those who see Ahavas Yisroel apply to ALL yiden. (to paraphrase a recent comment I posted)

    There is a real need for the frum and secular to find a way of communicating and understanding one another. Don’t you realize the way the frum community behave, refusing to help serve in the army, letting the frei go and risk their lives to defend us, and then saying everything about the state is trayf, is a terrible chilul Hasem and is merachek millions of yidden to Yidishkeit? The two sides have become polarized each side making the other MORE extreme.

    People say if it wasn’t for the Arab threat to Israel, then the society itself would have destroyed each other by now. Why is it that the only thing that unites all Jews is the common threat from enemies? Why can’t the Yeshivah world and frum world show respect to other yidden even though they aren’t frum yet? This tit for tat; “you don’t show respect for my religion so I won’t show respect for your medinah” has to stop somewhere.

    I’m not saying we have to lower our standards but still we still have a mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel. And it applies to ALL yiden. Even to secular yiden. Half of them are secular to spite the frum who show hatred to any good the “State” has done. (I’m not saying everything the secular yiden have done is kosher. But I do think a lot of the pritzus is a direct REACTION to the extremism of the frum. BOTH sides are causing the other side to become more extream and spiteful. This vicious cycle has to stop. And sometimes you have to admit your own faults if you want the other side to admit to their’s.)

    Wake up yidden. We are the Am Hanivchar. We have the responsibility to try to find a way to reach out to ALL yiden with Ahavas yisroel , Ahavas Chinam. Ahavas chinam will be the antidote to Sinas chinam.

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