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Waiting to Hear From Olmert & Livni

As the news of the new reality in the Shas party settles, the political community in Eretz Yisrael awaits an announcement from Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni, who are expected to announce if they are going to run in the next election. The two met on Wednesday 1 Cheshvan 5773 in Olmert’s Tel Aviv office, but they did not release a statement to the media following the meeting.

Associates of Livni told the media she will announce her decision within two weeks.

The two have announced reaching and agreement that if they run, not to oppose one another.

In Kadima, 15 MKs sent a letter to Justice Minister Prof. Yuval Ne’eman, calling upon him to instruct State Prosecutor Yehuda Weinstein to back down from filing his planned appeal against Olmert in a number of the criminal trials against him. The state feels that the court was too lenient and announced intentions to appeal the verdict to a higher court. The Kadima MKs realize that if Olmert must stand trial again, it would sabotage plans to bring him back into politics.

Weinstein’s media advisor, Amir Dan released an angry statement, lashing out at the politicians from Kadima for their brazen effort to interfere in the legal process against Olmert.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. An MK package deal is a car, pension, huge salary and grear fringe benefits, why wouldn’t everyone want a SEAT in the Knesset? There is no dedication to a cause just fickle fame.

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