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Impressive Progress On Construction Site Of Jerusalem Estates – Enormous Interest At Agudath Israel Convention


Progress at the construction site of Jerusalem Estates is no longer measured in months. The rapidly rising luxury residential project is making big strides daily. The three large cranes that tower over the project are broadcasting the news that the most luxurious development to be built in Yerushalayim is moving ever closer to the day when it will be inhabited by charedi Jews the world over. Located in the historic Schneller Compound, the project combines an important slice of the history of Yerushalayim as well as its magnificent views of the adjacent legendary neighborhoods and the city in general. Located in the hub of religious life in the holy city, it offers residents the quintessential lifestyle of living in the vicinity of some of the most celebrated communities in Jewish life.

For many visiting the 95 th Annual Convention of Agudath Israel of America over the Thanksgiving weekend in Stamford, Connecticut, the dizzying pace of the
construction shown on a video screen was proof of the enormity of the project. With the sub-levels all but completed, including a bypass tunnel to major thoroughfares and well- appointed parking areas, the attention turned to the residential floors not rising in sequence.

According to Peretz Blau of Valimar International, developers of Jerusalem Estates, interest in the development continues to be strong. “Owning an apartment in this unprecedented extraordinary development was on the minds of large numbers of people who were at the convention,” said Mr. Blau. “People recognized that the Jerusalem Estates project is like none other.” More than $70 million of apartments have already been sold with large numbers of inquiries coming in daily to the sale offices of the development. Buyers at this stage can truly get in on the ground floor with pricing that is only destined to go up in the future which will be particular true at Jerusalem Estates. When people realize the value of the quality construction it will only result in significantly higher prices at the project. Given the constant price increases of apartments in Yerushalayim, it is certainly a wise decision to buy now.It is also an ideal time to buy as it is possible to custom design units to the purchaser’s satisfaction. Although Jerusalem Estates is committed to always be attuned to the wishes of its clientele, it is so much easier to maneuver custom designs at this stage of construction.

Construction is well ahead of schedule and proceeding at a remarkable pace. One can already now see the expansive space of the living quarters that are part of the unprecedented residential experience. Jerusalem Estateshas reversed the angst often experienced by buyers of apartments in Israel by addressing all problems proactively and by appointing an ombudsman to offer VIP service. The fact that all milestones are not only met but are ahead of schedule is certainly comforting to buyers. The quality construction and the absolute avoidance of cutting any corners is further proof that Jerusalem Estates is a unique and trailblazing project that will be celebrated for a very long time.

For more information about Jerusalem Estates, please contact : Sales Office, 16 King David St. Jerusalem 94101, Tel. 972-2-502-5502 | USA 718-564- 6656 . Fax. 972-2-532-3532 |

Check out Jerusalem Estates – Work in progress:

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