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Haifa Mom Gives Birth to 13.2 Pound Baby

A Haifa woman who developed diabetes during pregnancy was monitored carefully after her doctor realized the child she was carrying was significantly larger than usual. The decision was made to deliver the child by C-section since they felt a regular birth would place both mother and child at risk.

According to the Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) report, the baby was delivered at Bnei Tzion Hospital during the past week weighing 5.910kg, quite a bit larger than the average newborn to put it mildly. Hospital officials report the child holds the record for the heaviest birth weight in that hospital.

According to Prof. Arnon Wishnitzer the child most likely will not enjoy a healthy future. He explained that children born weighing over 4kg (8.8 lbs) generally do not have a “rosy future because they general become obese as children and at high risk to develop diabetes as adults”.

The child and mom are reportedly doing well and they were discharged from the hospital earlier this week.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. What ever this professor said is not true i know plenty of ppl born over 8.8 and r b”h completely healthy and not at all obese!!!

  2. Had an over 12lb baby at home not too long ago.

    I think that “generally become obese as children” is not exactly accurate, and “at high risk” isn’t either – “has a higher risk” perhaps is.

    Nu, Mazel Tov! (Although with a dismal medical prediction like that, I do feel bad for the mother!)

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