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To all those who have been bashing me mercilessly these past few days:

Do you really think my questions to you are “bashing” and “merciless?”

I didnt realize that you guys would make mountains out of mole hills out of that explanation I gave u guys.

Asking questions regarding your points is not “making mountains out of molehills.”

I was simply trying to explain to you close minded folk, that the concept of the rebbe being moshiach is a lot more complicated than you think

The fact that I asked you questions (rather than simply dismissed what you said) shows that I am not close minded at all. I’m willing to hear your explainations, but if you expect me to just accept it without thinking about it critically at all – *that* would be close-minded.

Your comments just go to show that opposition against Chabad has never ceased.

I have no opposition to Chabad. I just don’t believe the Rebbe is Moshiach. Asking you to defend your belief that he is Moshiach is not “opposition to Chabad” (unless, of course, you believe that any disagreement with your beliefs is opposition; but I don’t believe that to be so.)

So, again, I ask you to address my questions, without accusing me of being “close minded” and “in opposition to you.” Neither of those assertions is true.

The Wolf