Reply To: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha

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Sechel HaYashar

“It would make more halachic sense to permit clapping for applause, but not for music. However, you are correct; Chabad is not alone in that one. My point was more that Chabad encourages people to deviate from their minhagei avos even where serious issurim are involved.

We are supposed to be able to fit 2 batim in the space between the hairline and baby-bump. This is objectively impossible with Chabad tefillin.”

Do you fancy yourself such a great posek of the stature of the Baal HaTanya veShulchan Aruch Harav, that you will denounce what he says as “serious issurim” and “bordeline posul”??
If you were to reference an actual Acharon with such an opinion, fine. But for you, Johnny come lately, to have such disrespect for a undisputed Godol B’yisrael as the Bal HaTanya, someone revered by all Poskim (you can see for yourself what the Mishna Berura says about him) is totally and utterly disgraceful! You should go to his Kever in Haditch with a minyan and beg for mechila.
For all the talk you have about Lubavitchers not respecting other Gedolim, I’ve never in my life heard someone talk like this about the Psokim of (for example) the Mishna Berura or Aruch HaShulchan. You give a bad name to the majority of Litvaks who truly don’t have an issue with Chabad.