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I wrote about R Baruch Ber crying that the lubavitch rebbe wouldn’t become his talmid: “No, I didn’t know that, and I wonder whether anybody else outside of lubavitch does. In fact, I wonder whether R Baruch Ber himself knew of it.”
Chabadshlucha replied: “I would be happy to bring proof but the cynicism here dissuades me…”

OK. I admit. I’m a cynic. But the question is still a good question. Everything you’ve posted that some of us find objectionable has as its source only Lubavitch, no outside source. And as we are disputing the properness of these thoughts bringing proof from the rebbe or Chabad statements is not a valid reply.

I’ll give you another example that I have heard elsewhere: the lubavitch rebbe had smicho from the Rogatchover Gaon. And they also corresponded. (Has anyone else out there heard that? I’ve both heard it and seen it written.)

I have asked and there is no source for the semicho story – I believe not even from the rebbe himself.

And as to the alleged correspondence: I have been shown a letter written by the rebbe addressed to the Rogatchover Gaon but I hve never been shown a letter in reply. If I wrote to President Trump would that latter prove that “we” had corresponded.

Please allow me to point out that I believe that you are upright and honest, and that you seek the truth, but you have believed everything you were taught in and out of school by the lubavitch system and you have no external sources that back any of it up.

Even your source about nossi hador = moshiach/Moshe Rabbeinu hador is from the sichos. The only external reference is to Rashi who says that Moshe was Yisroel and Yisroel was Moshe, and the nossi is everything. No referentce to the leader of the generation being nossi.

And anyway, the idea that there is a nossi nowadays is itself a lubavitch invention.