Reply To: Does “Chasidish” refer to both Satmar and Lubavitch?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Does “Chasidish” refer to both Satmar and Lubavitch? Reply To: Does “Chasidish” refer to both Satmar and Lubavitch?


Honestly, Chabad encompasses all kinds of people on all kinds of levels, because of who the Rebbe was. The lack of familiarity of other leaders within klal yisrael, for the most part, is not because we like to segregate ourselves, it’s just that there is so much going on within Lubavitch that we have our heads full keeping up with that.

For example, I would probably never quote R’ Elyashiv, not because I don’t think he’s great, I’m sure he is, and I know he’s a major figure in the litvishe world, but I’m still trying to keep up with saying my daily Chitas (portions of Chumash Tehillim and Tanya) and learning a sicha and or maamar of the Rebbe several times a week, which doesn’t leave me time to look into other things.

I feel chassidus empowers my avodas Hashem and I can’t get enough of it. I should add I have two young kids to look after so it makes for enough to fill up my time:) or even more, my concentration.

edited to prevent chashash apikorsus