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VIDEO: Anti Badatz Eida Chareidis Campaign


There are more than a few Israelis who do not identify with the Badatz Eida Chareidis and its hashkafa. In fact, a campaign has been renewed against the badatz, to encourage people to refrain from buying items with an Eida Chareidis hashgacha to avoid supporting an organization which funds anti-IDF campaigns and way of life.

Buying such products the video explains, makes one a participant in funding and campaigning against the IDF.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. You stupid donkey ywn are you pro idf? Maybe change the name of yeshiva world that’s not a yeshiva hashkafa chazon ish was also against idf

    Moderators Response: Ok.

  2. I personally find that many (NOT ALL) of products that have the badatz hechsher is inferior quality at higher prices. Generally it is true of wine and grape juice, but also many other products, so I automatically see what else is available before I choose something with their hechsher.

    I have been in Israel many years and remember visiting many food processing plants with the badatz hechsher and have seen the filthy sanitary conditions and the Arabs who refuse to wash their hands when coming out from the toilet.

    I know that things have changed over the many years, but that was enough to get me to stop being a badatz loving hecher only persn……

  3. Why don’t you report on who is funding this campaign? The anti-Israel New Israel Fund that wants to cause dissension and destroy Israel or is it the Reform Hellenists, Hiddush, who want to also destroy any Judaism in Israel?Or a combination of both?

  4. I’m guessing that this commercial was not created by frum Jews and doesn’t have a good hechsher on it either.

    If it doesn’t have a B’datz on it, we won’t buy it! 😉

  5. Silly Garlic. Most Badats Eidah Products are produced in the very same factories as some of the highest quality products in the country, just on separate runs with higher standards. If you go into supermarkets in mostly secular neighborhoods in Israel, you will find the very same products, although without the Eidas hechsher; for example Yoplait yogurt, Doritos, Elite Chocolates, Pepsi products, and a very long list of other snacks, dairy products, etc. So your allegations of Eidah products being inferior is just silly and uniformed.
    So next time you find yourself in the middle of a secular neighborhood, and pickup one of these “inferior products” produced by the most well respected companies on the globe, and it doesnt have an Eidah Hechsher, just know its the same product as the ones being sold in Meah She’arim, and Bnei Brak. The tangy taste in your mouth is not from unwashed arab hands that just came from the bathroom, its likely the flavor of the beautifully fermented Yoplait yogurt, or the delightful taste of the salt and vinegar flavored Doritos, etc.. Unless of course you would like to tell all the secular supermarkets not to carry those products either because they are dangerously unsanitary.
    Your choice to not buy Badatz Eidah Chareidis is a hashkafic one, which is fine, if you so choose to forfeit your standards in halacha, but please dont try and tell us that the products are inferior, because thats just silly.

  6. Thanks to the MODs for posting the first comment from “Annoyed”. We need an occasional reminder of the parochial and hateful zealots in our midst who would destroy those who are moser nefesh every minute of every day to maintain the security of EY.

  7. Its high time ! Lets call a spade a spade. Everyone knows thier hasgacha is politically driven,products are inferior quality and over priced. High time someone is taking them to task.

  8. the lashon hara on this thread is appalling! Has anyone here worked in hashgacha for the eida hachareidis? can you say with certainty that it is politically driven and that they don’t have standards they are enforcing in kashrus for halachic reasons? that the mashgichim are not yirei shomayim? Can you say these things with enough certainty to be successful on Yom HaDin? With enough certainty that all the people involved in the eida hachareidis are outside the realm of “rei’echa” or “amecha” (“your neighbor” or “your nation”) permitting you to speak badly about them?

  9. Gadol, you need a reality check. 70% or more of IDF soldiers are “jobniks” — they do “mundane” and very “unglamorous” work at their base. (Some have told me that they do nothing constructive at all.) True, the army needs them to support the combat soldiers, but let’s be realistic here. Only a small percentage of the active duty soldiers are actually being “moser nefesh every minute of every day to maintain the security of EY.” This is simply not true when there’s no war. And if there cv”s is a war, everyone, including frum civilians are at risk. So, yes, we have “hakoraas hatov” to those who endanger themselves. But, let’s not get carried away with hyperbole. The mesirus nefesh of the lomdei Torah is not any less than the jobniks, who are the majority of the army. Many talmidei yeshiva serve in “Hashem’s army” their entire lives, not just for 3 years.

  10. I would like to point out that the eidah charedis hechsher doenst have anything to do with incitement against soilders. The Badatz is split up into diff areas and one of them is their hechsher

  11. Not Shayich: it’s more than that. The kashrus organization is a private business that pays a hefty fee to the Beis Din of the Eida Chareidis for permission to use their name on their logo of kashrus certification. So, of course, whenever shailos arise, the va’ad hakashrus asks the Eida’s Beis Din for a halachic ruling. But, it’s true that they are two distinct organizations.

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