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Deputy FM Ayalon: Stop Throwing Money at the PA

Addressing donor nations attending the New York City conference, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon called upon those nations contributing funds to the PA (Palestinian Authority) to refrain giving without following the money trail. He explained that “About 50% of the PA budget is redirected to Hamas in Gaza,” in the hope of increasing awareness among donor nations, who in essence are funding Hamas terror.

He also called on the forum to pressure Hamas to accept the demands set forth by the Quarter Forum, namely that Hamas recognizes Israel, denounce violence and terrorism and accepting the peace agreements signed by Israel and the PA.

He spoke of the PA’s inability to govern properly and as such, it does not have a working tax collection system and other mechanisms to meet minimal criteria for statehood.

He highlighted the policies of the current Israeli administration towards strengthening the PA economy, but warned that the more the funds are used for terrorism, the less cooperation there will be.

Interestingly, the deputy minister added “It is more profitable today to be a Palestinian terrorist than to be a nurse or teacher.”

The Quartet Forum is made up of the United States, the United Nations, Russia and the European Union.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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