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Chacham Ovadia Calls Meeting To Discuss If Shas Will Leave Government

shas.jpgThe Supreme Rabbinical Council, headed by Chacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita, has called for a meeting at his home in Har Nof on Sunday, together with other Rabbonim, and Shas MK’s to discuss the Shas party’s place in the Israeli government. The Council will discuss the latest conversation which Shas Chairman Eli Yishai had with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert last week. Shas has said that it would quit the government as soon as core issues such as Yerushalayim are “put on the table.”

A decision if and when Shas should quit the government will be discussed at the meeting.


5 Responses

  1. Shas should certainly not leave the government now. At a time when our Prime Minister needs to hear every sane voice that he can, it is a time to stay put. I’ve heard that Olmert really does not want to split Jerusalem and is nervous to upset the secular left. he needs strong pressure on the other side.
    If Shas stays in the coaltion, Jerusalem will certainly not be split.

  2. Easy for gishnak in lakewood to talk . Try living. Here with a poodle like olmert as your PM . He will say and do anything just to sit in that chair 1 more day . He is a self ritious pinnhead,who’s agenda will change depending on how much trouble he got him self into

  3. Gishmak in Lakewood?? Are you for real? If Shas pulls out of the government there won’t be a government! Or do you living in Lakewood not know what coalition means.?

  4. Meetings, meetings and more meetings.
    The safety and lives of a majority of klal yisroel is on the line in E”Y, with Yehuda and Shomron put in the hands of the Arab terrorists, rockets will become a daily occurrence.

  5. One could never have believed that this terrible g’zeirah of divided IH”K Yerushalayim may in the end have turned out to be something very good – d’heinu, motivating Shas to get rid of this idiot Olmert, who encompasses all of what was ever wrong with the Right or the Left. And noone wants to come out & out against him, probably because they feel bad for him. I think he’s not really a bad guy. I think he’s just slightly retarded. But there has never been a time when the country needed strong leadership as much as now.
    So if Chacham Ovadiayah shlit”a uses the power he posseses for this good cause, he will have done the very best thing for klal yisroel at this time, and Yerushalayim will NOT be divided.
    # 1, G.I.L. – you don’t make any sense. I think you had a very strong Lechayim before you wrote your piece.

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