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Two More Terror Attacks In Yerushalayim

mda cover1.jpgOn Shabbos afternoon, an Arab terrorist approached the police checkpoint near Atarot (the north part of Yerushalayim), and stabbed a border police man. The terrorists then attempted to stab a police woman, but additional officers shot the terrorist before he was able to inflict further harm.

The border police officer sustained serious injuries, and the terrorist was listed in critical condition.

Additionally, Hatzolah Israel tells YWN of another troubling incident which has not been widely reported in the media.

On Friday afternoon at approximately 3:00PM, 3 Arabs attacked an 18-year-old Israeli on Rechov Blau, in the Sanhedria area of Yerushalayim. The attackers jumped out of a car, beat the Israeli to his head – and fled in the car. Hatzolah Israel was dispatched to treat the victim, and tell YWN that he was transported to a local hospital with (non-life-threatening) head injuries.

Both these incidents come on the heels of the two terror attacks which were carried out on Thursday night – which left an Israeli Border Policeman R”L killed.

3 Responses

  1. Whatever your politics, that border police man is protecting us. And even though it is with H’ help only, we still owe the Hakoras Hatov. Therefor, YN should get and put up his name, so that we can say a Kapittel Thillim.

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