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Ichud & Zaka Wrap Up Uman Operation

Ichud Hatzalah and Zaka officials in Uman report the closure of their emergency room/ first aid station following Rosh Hashanah. They report treating about 2,000 people during yomtov and the days preceding it.

Both organizations praised the cooperation which led to a successful joint effort, providing medical care and assistance to the 35,000 mispallalim that arrived ahead of Rosh Hashanah. (The organizations reported the number of mispallalim in Uman on Rosh Hashanah)

The emergency clinic was staffed with physicians, nurses, paramedics and EMTs, and it contained beds, surgical equipment and a pharmacy, permitting the professionals to address many medical emergencies.

In addition, the two organizations operated a command center manned by dozens of EMTs, permitting them to mingle with the mispallalim and respond rapidly to any emergency.

The commanders of the operation met on motzei Tzom Gedalya to evaluate the performance of the clinic and command center, holding a critique and strategy session to exchange ideas and information towards improving the operation in the future.

Zaka’s Yehuda Meshi-Zahav stated he is pleased with the operation, and even more so because there were no true life-threatening situations. He added that he hopes to continue working with World Breslov Center officials towards maintaining a presence at the tziyun year round.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Really? One out every 15 treated? Right!
    Can’t Ichud ever do anything without major exaggerations?
    Then again…
    Maybe they treated them to lollipops.

  2. Maier,
    Don’t be such a skeptic. I would say the figure is UNDERSTATED rather than exagerated. Having worked in the Uman emergency Clinic for the past 9 years, I believe that we are visited by close to TEN PERCENT of all the pilgrims to Uman (furthermore, as I personally procure all the American medications used, I know how much meds we go through).

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