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Rabbonim of the Eida to Supervise Some of Our Appliances

The advanced age that we are living in demands a level of new awareness from our rabbonim, those responsible for ensuring the products that we use are kosher, and that they are in compliance with hilchos shabbos. Such is the case with new refrigerators. In the old days, one simply unscrewed the light bulb before shabbos and one’s fridge was ready. Today however, many of the modern cooling units are activated when a door opens, and in addition to lights turning on, fans may shut off and messages sent to the on-board computer after a temperature has been detected.

In Eretz Yisrael there are models with supervision, and there are rabbonim who are well aware of the different issues posed by the new refrigerator unit.

It appears the rabbonim of the Eida Chareidis have joined in and they are showing a greater interest in becoming involved in supervising a number of appliances for the shomer shabbos tzibur. This will begin with Israeli-manufactured Tadiran refrigerators, sold under the Amcor Label.

Rabbonim explain the models that have their supervision are fine for shabbos l’chatchila. The questionable components of the unit’s operations are bypassed in shabbos mode. In addition, when placed in shabbos mode, the cooling of the refrigerator is moved from a thermostat to a timer unit. Therefore, opening the door has no impact whatsoever on the refrigerator’s thermostats.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Not clear what this means for the 99 percent of us who have subzero, frigidaire, or GE refrigerators…are they OK to use or do we all have to run out and by these newer “timer controlled” compressor units

  2. Since you mentiond this. I should add, And I heard this from a very Choshover Rav in The US that YOU CAN NOT rely on most refrigetors in the US that have a Sabbath mode switch.

  3. I was trying to figure out if the Rabbonim plan to make surprise visits to factories or what. Then i got it. Your headline should read “Supervise”, right?

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