Reply To: Replacing Talis and Retzuos (on Tefilin)

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Replacing Talis and Retzuos (on Tefilin) Reply To: Replacing Talis and Retzuos (on Tefilin)


Sorry for bumping this thread from last week.

ubiquitin wrote: “This is why it is the generally the weekday tallis (worn more often and usually for longer time) that is used to wrap a nifter which he “wears” in the olam haemes after having worn it for years in this world.”

I cannot say what is “generally done” but the Nitei Gavriel brings down that some say the shabbos tallis and some say the weekday tallis. (Hilchos Aveilus 47:10)

He also states that in EY, they carry the meis with his tallis do not bury with the tallis. (Hilchos Aveilus 47:7)