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PHOTOS: Yeger Proposes Expansion Of Greenfield Yeshiva Security Law To Pay For Shul Security Guards


Kalman Yeger, the Democratic and Conservative nominee to replace Councilman David Greenfield, responded to yesterday’s horrific terror attack in Manhattan with a resounding call for greater security for shuls and other religious institutions. Praising Councilman David Greenfield’s unprecedented expansion of city-funded security to non-public schools including yeshivas, Yeger pledged to work to expand that program to houses of worship deemed vulnerable to attack.

“Yesterday’s attack reminded us that our city remains a target,” said Kalman Yeger. “We are horrified at the carnage that occurred and thank God and the NYPD that it did not spread any further. Given that we know that the same ideology that promotes terror is also directed against people of faith, I am calling today on City Hall and will continue the effort upon my election, to expand the existing yeshiva security program to shuls and other vulnerable houses of worship.”

Councilman Greenfield’s bill was enacted two years ago by a resounding 43-4 vote and signed into law by Mayor Bill de Blasio. It now covers nearly two hundred of the largest yeshivas, Catholic and Muslim schools, protecting over 100,000 nonpublic schoolchildren every day with free security guards. The program is financed by the City and supports the hiring of trained security guards paid the prevailing wage who stay in close contact with the NYPD and other first responders to keep kids safe.

“I welcome Kalman Yeger’s bold proposal to expand my security law to protect innocent people worshipping in shuls and other houses of worship throughout New York City,” said Councilman Greenfield. “People move here from all around the world to be able to practice their religion freely – perhaps our most sacred right as Americans. I know that Kalman will get this done when he is the Council. After all, Kalman Yeger worked with me day and night to pass the security law for yeshivas. He knows how to get things done in City Hall.”

The original law, sponsored by Greenfield, found support across New York’s religious and independent school communities and labor advocates. The new bill would adopt the same model, permitting cash-strapped religious institutions to hire City-funded prevailing wage security guards to keep New Yorkers safe as they pray.

Yeger is the Democratic and Conservative Parties’ candidate for City Council in Brooklyn’s 44th District on November 7th.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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