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PHOTOS: FJCC Flatbush Leadership Forum Brings out NYC’s Political Power‎ Players


Numerous local, state and federal elected officials descended on Flatbush this past Sunday morning to address the FJCC leadership forum. With an ever changing political landscape in NYC, the politicians addressed a large group of dedicated activists and community leaders on a variety of local and citywide issues.

For well over two hours, a constant flow of legislators addressed the influential group with each speaker acknowledging the growing influence and electoral power of the Flatbush Jewish community. Many singled out the FJCC and it’s dedicated leadership for putting Flatbush back on the political map. The audience included yeshiva and‎ shul representatives and executives of some of the foremost Jewish social service and communal organizations in New York City including Hatzoloh, Shomrim, Agudath Israel of America, OHEL, and Chai Lifeline.

Political participants included Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, NY City Comptroller Scott Stringer, Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez, DA Bureau Chief David Klestzick, State Senator Martin J. Golden, Assembly Members: Dov Hikind, Helene Weinstein, Rodneyse Bichotte & Robert Carroll, Council members: Mark Levine, Chaim Deutsch, Jumaane Williams, David Greenfield, Alan Maisel, and Mark Treyger. Additionally Candidates for the 44th City Council seat Kalman Yeger and Yoni Hikind addressed the crowd with Judicial candidate Elana Baron and NYPD Chief Charles Scholl warmly acknowledged.

The event was a prime opportunity for Flatbush community leaders to interact directly with some of the political decision makers who affect community institutions, yeshivas, shuls, homes, and businesses. ‎In particular, religious freedoms and the alarming rise of anti Semitism and hate crimes citywide was a focus of serious discussion. The event was chaired by Josh Mehlman, the FJCC Chairman; with the participation of Honorary Chairman, Malcolm Hoenlein and members of the FJCC executive committee including Chaskel Bennett, Leon Goldenberg, Shimon Lefkowitz, Peter Rebenwurzel, and Avi Schick. (Pictures attached)

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