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Israel: August Terror Watch

August saw a decrease in the number of terrorist attacks: 51, as opposed to 64 in July 2012. The decrease was most prominent in attacks originating in Yehuda and Shomron: 19 attacks in August as opposed to 30 in July.

The decrease was also noticed in Gaza: 21 in August as opposed to 28 in July.

However, Jerusalem experienced an increase in the number of attacks: nine attacks in August as opposed to six in July.

Some salient events: two attacks originating in Sinai. A combined infiltration attack (Aug. 5) was carried out by a cell of terrorists in Egypt which took over two Egyptian military armed vehicles, and breached into Israel near Kerem Shalom. A foreign worker was lightly injured when one of the vehicles exploded, as Israeli forces thwarted the attack. Moreover, Eilat suffered rocket fire (Aug. 15).

Data regarding terror attacks in August 2012

Following is a regional distribution of attacks:

21 attacks from Gaza (28 in July); 19 attacks in Yehuda and Shomron (30 in July); 9 attacks in Jerusalem (6 in July); 2 attacks from Sinai.

Jerusalem, Yehuda and Shomron area: All attacks executed in August (28 attacks) were in the form of firebombs (July: 34 out of 36).

Distribution of attacks according to regions and pattern profile:

Following is a distribution of attacks in June 2012 according to regions:

Gaza – 21 attacks: 12 rocket launchings; 3 mortar shell launchings; 5 small arms shooting; 1combined attack (AT, IED and small arms shooting).

Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem – 28 attacks: 28 firebombs (9 in Jerusalem).

Sinai – 2 attacks: 1 rocket launching; 1 combined attack (infiltration and small arms shooting).

High-trajectory launchings from Gaza and Sinai

Throughout August 2012, 21 rockets and 3 mortar shells were launched towards Israel, (in 16 attacks), compared to 18 rockets and 9 mortar shells, in July (in 19 attacks).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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