Reply To: Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l on animal rights

Home Forums Controversial Topics Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l on animal rights Reply To: Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l on animal rights

Tom Dick n Harry

You and I are not Rabainu Gershom. You need to know your place. Furs have been used throughout all of the generations and no rabbis forbade it. That means they didn’t feel it’s wrong. So nothing changed and it isn’t wrong, period.

I have nothing against slavery, per se. Just we may not kidnap and capture people against their will, needless to say. But if a person want to sell himself as a slave, that would be fine if it would be legal in our country, necause we must abide by the laws of the country we live in. There are rules in The Torah about how to treat a slave.

Aishes Yefas Toar, is not a relevant discussion because we don’t have the situation today, which gives the possibility of it. Also Aishes Yefas Toar was always known to be a bad thing and only mutar as the biggest bidieved.