Reply To: Stop the SHLEPPING In Shul! 🛑🐢🐌🕍

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Stop the SHLEPPING In Shul! 🛑🐢🐌🕍 Reply To: Stop the SHLEPPING In Shul! 🛑🐢🐌🕍


Joe asks….”Are you in a rush to get back to work after shul on Shabbos?”

No…actually its the problem of getting a tee time if the early minyan drags on much past 9:30 Am since after 10, the course is opened to the public.
Seriously though, its quite possible to do a respectable davening on an ordinary Shabbos AM (not Shabbos rosh chodesh, parshas Nasso or the rebbe’s son’s aufruf) with kavanah in 90 minutes or 2 hours max…most yidden are fortunate enough to have several minyanim to choose from so they can find one that davens with a rhythm that matches their needs….as to the challenges posed by a “slow” baal koreh, its usually resolved by getting other daveners to volunteer to do the kariah (aka tell the gabbi its your bar mitzvah parasha etc.).