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Investigation into Tank Accident – Soldiers Were Asleep

The investigation into an IDF training mishap in northern Israel this week in which a Golani soldier was critically injured when hit by a tank, investigators have learned that some of the soldiers were asleep, including the one who was hit by the tank.

The preliminary findings of military investigators shows some soldiers were sleeping during the exercise in violation of orders. Investigators are now seeking to determine the extent of the responsibility of the commanders involved.

Maariv reports that one investigator involved in the case commented that some commanders saw soldiers sleeping and they did nothing. “We are not taking about one case of one soldier sleeping. The incident could have ended much worse if the tank had continued driving” the anonymous investigator is quoted as saying.

The soldier’s name for tefilos is Yoni ben Nava b’soch kol cholei am yisrael. Doctors report that he sustained a major brainstem injury and without Heavenly intervention “there is no way back for Yoni” his mother quotes doctors as saying.

“B’ezras Hashem HKBH will perform a miracle. Yoni, who is 20, is a great boy and is always מקדש שם שמים wherever he goes,” his mother Mrs. Ben-Yishai adds.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. 1) His name is not “Yoni ben Nava b’soch kol cholei am yisrael.” It is “Yoni ben Nava.” The rest is the standard way of increasing rachamim by making the individual part of the tzibur.

    2) Actually, the accepted nusach is “b’soch sh’ar cholei amecha” or “b’soch sh’ar cholei yisroel.” I do not know where YWN got this alternate nusach.

    3) If the article can have “שדקמ םימש םש” in Hebrew letters, why does the name and the nusach above have to be transliterated?

  2. The soldiers were not asleep because they are lazy as some commentators of this blog would eagerly assume. They were asleep because they went without sleep for 3-4 days. While depriving soldiers of sleep is a necessary part of their training, unfortunately deadly accidents can take place in such circumstances. These days are yemei ratzon. We should all daven and say tehilim for Yoni ben Nava’s yeshuah.

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