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Union of Local Authorities Calls for Probe into Gas Masks Failure

Shlomo Buchbut, who heads Israel’s Union of Local Authorities, is calling upon the state comptroller to investigate why there are only enough gas masks for 46% of the population as Israel’s faces the biggest threat in its history.

According to a report that appeared last week in Yediot Achronot’s ‘7 Yomim’ news magazine, at present, IDF Homefront Command warehouses contain only 47,000 masks. The report explains that in the event of an emergency today, 3 million Israelis will be without masks.

The report adds that the factory manufacturing the masks is only operating on a part-time basis.

Buchbut wants answers from the “decision makers” and wants to understand why if the nation faces a possible existential threat from Iran the government does not feel that manufacturing enough gas masks is a priority matter.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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