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Jerusalem Gabbai Found Dead at Home on Erev Shabbos

Ichud Hatzalah EMTs received a call for an unconscious male in a Bar Ilan Street home on Friday shortly before shabbos. It appears that one of the mispallalim from the shul saw the white shabbos table clothes were not laid out and he was concerned as to why. He went to the gabbai’s home and when no one answered the door, he summoned assistance to break in. When they entered they found R’ Shalom Levy z”l seated on the couch near a shtender, with an open tehillim on it. Ichud Hatzalah was called but it was too late, there was nothing to be done.

Police were called as was Zaka. Due to the efforts of Zaka officials, police agreed not to remove the niftar to the forensic institute. The body was taken to Shamgar Funeral Home.

R’ Levy z”l was 73 and served as the gabbai of the shul near his home for many years. The levaya took place on motzei shabbos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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