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Home Forums Bais Medrash True *ask you LOR* Story: Yesterday… Reply To: True *ask you LOR* Story: Yesterday…

Lilmod Ulelamaid

LB – I am very impressed! Since you weren’t sure which bracha to make, you did the correct thing and didn’t make a bracha at all, rather than run the risk of a bracha l’vatala.

As you correctly pointed out in another thread, when you are not sure if you should be making a bracha or not (and have no way to find out), it is better to not make a bracha than to run the risk of making a bracha l’vatala.

I happen to think that this is an extremely difficult (although very important) halacha to keep. The natural instinct is to make a bracha even when there is a doubt rather than not say a bracha at all. Not saying a bracha feels very uncomfortable.

Personally, I find that not saying a bracha when there is doubt is a very big nisayon, so I am impressed. Shkoyach!