Reply To: No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?!

Home Forums Bais Medrash No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?! Reply To: No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?!



“I read your comments and I can’t make any sense of it.”
hope I can help, though dont hold your breath.

” What שייכות does יבום וכדומהhave regarding this topic??!!Tzitzits is a mitzvah for everyone to do”
And yibum is a mitzvah for a person whose brother dies childless to do. Yet he doesnt do it.
(Im not saying it is a perfect comparison, it of course isnt. But it does demonstrate that this line “all Jews must do every mitzvah possible.” isnt 100% true.

“but once you are wearing a pair of tzitzis and you don’t put on techeles you are being מבטל מצות עשה בידים בכל רגע as though you are wearing ד כנפות without tzitzis!!”

chas vesholam to be motzi laz on gnerations of kala Yisroel. They were yotzi the mitzva as am I. The halacha is techeiles eino meakev as halavan.
“So its obvious that your whole pshetle makes no sense.”
It isnt mine.

“Plus there are no sources that disagree. So who can?!!”
Ruba deruba of Gedolim can disagree both past and present.

“R`chaim says to anyone who asks him that if they are sure thag this is techeles they MUST go with it.
Anyone’s who is interested to study the topic should go to techeiles. org and see for himself”

Yet Rav Chaim doesnt wear it himself, too bad R’ Chaim doesn’t have access to Maybe you can print it out and persuade him.

Also see DY’s excellent source. thank you DY for supplying it..