Reply To: No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?!

Home Forums Bais Medrash No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?! Reply To: No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?!


I read your comments and I can’t make any sense of it. What שייכות does יבום וכדומה have regarding this topic??!! Tzitzits is a mitzvah for everyone to do. Now even though a person doesn’t have to put on a beged with ד כנפות do become mechuav in the mitzvah, but once you are wearing a pair of tzitzis and you don’t put on techeles you are being מבטל מצות עשה בידים בכל רגע as though you are wearing ד כנפות without tzitzis!! The בית הלוי says clearly that in such a case that you have techeles and you only put on white its an isurr דאורייתא of בל תגרע!! In the sefer ערוגת הבושם from one of the בעלי תוספות it says that if a person only wants to go with white strings מכין אותו עד שתצא נפשו ככל מצות עשה.
So its obvious that your whole pshetle makes no sense.
So to rest of your words
There are clear sources that state matter of factly that the murex is the חלזון התכלת. For example רבי אברהם הרופא בספר שלטי גבורים, and the חוות יאיר בספר מקור חיים. Plus there are no sources that disagree. So who can?!!
All the gedolim that you mentioned none of the were מברר הדבר. As they say themselves. R`chaim says to anyone who asks him that if they are sure thag this is techeles they MUST go with it.
Anyone’s who is interested to study the topic should go to techeiles. org and see for himself