Reply To: Pre-Yom Kippur Request from the helige Coffee Room Posters

Home Forums Yom Tov Yom Kippur Pre-Yom Kippur Request from the helige Coffee Room Posters Reply To: Pre-Yom Kippur Request from the helige Coffee Room Posters


“That’s a different argument.”

Says you

” There are two things that need to be discussed here. ”

none of these “Need” to be discussed. Especially when you consider my typing this information doesnt actually convey any knowledge according to your view.

“The logical progression is to first discuss and prove that it doesn’t help to do hishtadlus that is against halacha, and only once that is agreed upon does it make sense to move on to the second point. ”

Im good at discussing multiple points at one. PArticularly since I am not sure about your first point. As to whether it “doesn’t help to do hishtadlus that is against halacha” frankly Idont know. It probably depends on what yo umean by “Help” It is hard for me to accept that Kayin’s stabbing Hevel didint actually kill him and if not for Kayin to Hevel would have died at the same time with the same sufferign. not to mention the suffering Adam endured at ebing told it was his Son who killed his other son. Agian it isnt impossible. I simply dont know and it isnt a point I am to invested in thus not one I feel particularly compelled ot argue over

If yo umake two points “It isnt going to rain today and umbreallas dont keep you dry” Im not sure hwy we HAVE to settle the first before dealing with the second If both are wrong (or at least debatable) then bot hare debatable.

“but you seem to be unsure as to which one you are taking”

Because am unsure, though even if not both are at the lest debatable.

“And if you are going to say that the point of your first two statements was not to argue with the statement that “hishtadlus that goes against halacha does not help” then I don’t know what your point was,”

My point was that you were wrong. as to why I provided three reasons in my first post to you.

” since the only point in my post was to prove that fact.”

Im not sure how you proved anything.
Yo umade some strong claims and said anyone who argues is a kofer. that isnt anything near proof.
The only thing that resembles a proof is the Ani maamin, though it doesnt say what yo uclaim, and The Rambam in Chelek certainly doesnt say what you claim (We dont know who wrote the ani maamin)