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Spitzer Pushes Plan To Ensure Access To Affordable Health Coverage For All NY Children

spitzer.jpgGovernor Eliot Spitzer and Legislators today visited the Philip J. Schuyler Achievement Academy, a public elementary school in Albany, to demonstrate their commitment to providing affordable health coverage for every New York child. In the wake of the Bush Administration’s failure to fund the expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the Governor’s Executive Budget will make up the funding gap in order to protect this important initiative.

The budget provides funding to expand the State’s version of SCHIP, Child Health Plus, by increasing income eligibility levels from 250 percent to 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, making New York’s program one of the most comprehensive in the nation.

Governor Spitzer made this announcement during his State of the State address and full details of the plan will be outlined in Governor Spitzer’s Executive Budget Presentation on Tuesday, January 22, 2008.

“In the face of Washington’s inaction, New York State is taking bold steps to ensure the protection and welfare of society’s most vulnerable residents: our children,” said Governor Spitzer. “President Bush’s incomprehensible decision to veto SCHIP has left the duty of insuring children to our state. New York will not allow the failure of the White House to deprive essential health care to those who need it most. This initiative has wide, bipartisan support across the state and I commend all of our partners who have worked tirelessly on behalf of New York’s children.”

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton said: “I was proud to support the bipartisan legislation in Congress that would have assisted NY with expansion of Child Health Plus, but the President vetoed it leaving New York and our children on their own. Governor Spitzer’s commitment to fully fund the program despite the President’s actions will allow tens of thousands of uninsured children to access affordable, quality healthcare and I commend Governor Spitzer for his leadership on behalf of New York’s children.”

Congressman Eliot Engel, a senior member of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said: “I commend Governor Spitzer for once again prioritizing children’s health care in his budget. While the President has twice vetoed bi-partisan legislation that I worked on to expand coverage for low-income uninsured kids, Governor Spitzer has risen to the occasion to take care of the children of New York.”

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said: “The Assembly Majority has long been at the forefront of efforts to ensure that all children in New York State have access to health care, and we applaud and strongly support Governor Spitzer’s shared commitment to expand the Child Health Insurance program – despite the lack of support from the Bush Administration. The Capital District Assembly majority delegation, led by Majority Leader Ron Canestrari, has provided vital support for child health programs throughout the region.”

3 Responses

  1. this is a democratic party press release!

    bush did NOT veto this program, he vetoed something else (about how it would be paid for).

    after the veto, a new version was passed, and immediately signed by prez bush.

    notice the paragraph criticing bush, comes from our (and multi-millionaires suha’s) good friend hillary.

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