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Boston Kollel in Beitar (Seudas Mitzvah)

YW-Boston Kollel Baitar SM-08.jpgClick HERE to see photos from the Seudas Mitzvah at Kollel Boston in Beitar Illit, and the distribution of certificates, at the conclusion of the Kollel’s learning Hilchos Ta’aruvos. In the pictures can be seen the highly respected and popular Rov of the Community and Rosh Kollel, Moreinu HaRav R. Moshe Shimon Horowitz Shlita, the Rov of Beitar HaRav HaGaon Rav Dovid Ordentlich Shlita, Rabbonim hashuvim, members of the Kollel and invited guests.

All photos taken by Nesanel Peterman, Yerushalayim.

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