The Vishnitzer Rebbe, Rav Mendel Hager Shlita, has been resting in the Swiss Alps during bein hazmanim. Many rabbonim, askanim and chassidim join for shabbos. This past shabbos one of the guests who stood out was Rav Aryeh Deri, the former head of the Shas party. Deri recited Kaddish at mincha being that he is in the year of aveilus for his father z”l.
As the rebbe addressed the seudas shlishis, he spoke of the need to increase limud Torah, yiras Shomayim and acts of chessed.
After havdola the rebbe gave Deri a bracha, wishing him success and an ability to continue being an askan on behalf of Am Yisrael and towards strengthening yiddishkheit. The rebbe praised Deri’s past activities on behalf of the tzibur stating “we all owe you a debt of gratitude”.
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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)