Reply To: DEAL BREAKER: Wicker furniture

Home Forums Shidduchim DEAL BREAKER: Wicker furniture Reply To: DEAL BREAKER: Wicker furniture


If Joseph does not know what wicker furniture is, he (or she?) must still be living in rural Poland.

As for CTLawyer’s inside/outside rule on wicker, yes, that is the custom, yes it’s practical, but it is not Halachah. And in parts of the US, mostly the Old Confederacy, that velvet couch goes on the outdoor porch when it’s too beat up to keep inside, but still comfy. It’s a good place to drink home-made untaxed whiskey.

As for Lightbrite’s deadly wicker allergy, it doesn’t matter when you stop dating the wicker lover. If it kills you, don’t marry him. And that’s probably Halachah.