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WATCH THIS: ‘Shmiras Einayim’ Travelers Heading To Uman – In Case You Think You’ve Seen It All

21 Responses

  1. Have seen it before, in fact right here in YWN last Year! Hey, Israel is (supposedly) a democracy. So if people want to walk around the airport like that why should it bother anyone? As long as they’re carefully not to bump into anyone.

  2. The spirit of the 60’s has morphed into this leaderless sect who are make up their own Minhagigim as they go along. Going to spend R’H at a supposed grave of someone who lived 200 years ago ?! An embarrassment. Save your kids from getting caught up in this insanity.

  3. This whole thing is a joke, and the reporting on it is junk news. Shmiras einayim is a nisayon, but it does not require these circus-like theatrics. True Avodas Hashem is to focus elsewhere, and to live a normal life that does not attract attention. You know, והצנע לכת.

    I am as unimpressed as the obsession with takanos and bans. Of course we need to be protected from nisyonos, but that does not require living a completely abnormal life with stupidities like this. Such a shame that we allow energy to be drained by such nonsense when we could better use it for true Avodas Hashem.

  4. Just wondering if they wear them also when they walk in geula among tourists?
    Also are they exempt from…’והצנע לכת אם ה

  5. I have no problem at all with this. They live all year in an insular community trying to shelter themselves from pritzus. Their definition of pritzus, which is also the correct halachic definition, is as the gemara says “tefach be’isha erva”. If they want to go through the airport in the summer without being exposed to bare knees, thighs and upper arms as the halacha demands, that is entirely their right.

  6. They should get a seeing eye dog or a stick. How about Shmiras Haguf, did they ever take into account they they could injure themselves and other people.

  7. If you can’t tell from the photo, they obviously can see through the small openings in the blindfold straight ahead but have very limited field of view to the sides.

  8. to Z, 9/18 5:19 pm
    kaleb be yefine also went to his ancestors who were niftar a nice couple of 100 years, you apikores
    we see plenty of holy people that prayed at holy gravesites in merit of thoose holy to be granted.

  9. to arib 9/18 11:29 pm

    Are you as angry to those who are LESS frum than talmidei chachamim?? are you then also with the feeling of ‘pathetic’??

  10. Two separate things
    We daven at Kivrie Tzadikim. We don’t go to Kivrie Tzadikim for Yom Tov. Never once in the history of Klal Yisrael have people done that.
    And nobody went to a Kever with illusion that they are spending Yom Tov with their Rebbe.
    Freedom is of religion doesn’t mean freedom to redefine a religion. That’s what open orthodoxy is all about. Making up their own religion and calling it Orthodox. It’s not orthodox and this is not Chassidish.

  11. Lashon Hara, Lamed Heh…you belong Pre-1A ….People, show respect to those who are zealous to perform Hashem’s commandments. If more people were this enthusiastic about shmiras einayim, we wouldn’t have so many problems in this area.
    Who says Hashem doesn’t adore these people for trying to preserve their kedusha they were born with?

    Scorning and scoffing is no way to go into Rosh Hashana!! Remember what it says about Hashem’s opinion of scoffers?

  12. z 9/19 7:33
    1) you know history so , huh?
    2) redifine religion?? whos redifining religion. its a minhug
    3) u never herd of ‘ melamed shehoshiv yeshivah al kivro?

    Any way this whole pilpul is for naught. what bothers you is they’re on bigger madreygeh than you…the issue is …..

  13. It’s not a minute of it’s against Halacha. It’s against Halacha to go to a Bais Hachaim on Yom Tov. The most basic foundation of Klal Yisrael is leadership. The living can’t be lead by the dead. Breslov proselytizes to allow yourself to be guided by someone they refer to as Rabbenu who died 200 years ago but if you believe in him he will save you no matter what. Insanity in the name of Yiddeshkiet is wrong and all of Klal Yisrael is offended by this notion of turning Yom HaDin into a circus.

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