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CTL’s observation is very interesting.
CTL, you’re an attorney. And you say that in the state of CT where you practice law, counseling is required before a divorce is granted.
Does the possibility exist that all or most of the couples from whom you reached your observation were already seeking a divorce, already in the system, and going for counseling because it’s required?
This would be similar to a doctor collecting data from the very sickest patients to make an observation about the efficacy of a new drug. If a majority of patients died, the doctor can conclude that the drug is not effective in the sickest patients. It may, however, be beneficial when administered early on before the condition has progressed unchecked and caused irreparable harm.
There is also the possibility that couples seeking a divorce will attend counseling just so they, and the practitioner, can sign on the dotted line that they passed this requirement and can now go ahead with their original objective. If they are not truly involving themselves in the process of their own free will, you can see where this would sabotage the intentions of the most competent professional.