Reply To: Is Loud Music At Weddings Causing The Shidduch Crisis?

Home Forums Shidduchim Is Loud Music At Weddings Causing The Shidduch Crisis? Reply To: Is Loud Music At Weddings Causing The Shidduch Crisis?


Yes and no.
yes: like RebYidd said.
No: Loud music means that boys and girls have to leave the hall to hear themselves think. Once in a mechitza-free zone they can mingle and meet their zivug. So loud music solves the too tall mechitza problem discussed on another thread. That is assuming that 1) shidduch age kids think and want to hear themselves do so; and 2) their hearing has not been permanently damaged and they can still hold a conversation outside with their zivug; and 3) Joseph’s tznius patrol doesn’t shoo them back inside behind the correct sides of the mechitza.