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REVEALED: Corzine’s MF Global Was Client of Eric Holder’s Law Firm

Those wondering why the Department of Justice has refused to go after Jon Corzine for the vaporization of $1.6 billion in MF Global client funds need look no further than the documents uncovered by the Government Accountability Institute that reveal that the now-defunct MF Global was a client of Attorney General Eric Holder and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer’s former law firm, Covington & Burling.

There’s more.

Records also reveal that MF Global’s trustee for the Chapter 11 bankruptcy retained as its general bankruptcy counsel Morrison & Foerester–the very law firm from which Associate Attorney General Tony West came to DOJ.

And more.

As Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer explains in the Washington Times Thursday, the trustee overseeing MF Global’s bankruptcy is former FBI Director Louis Freeh. At Holder’s Senate confirmation hearing Freeh served as a character witness for Holder and revealed that Holder had previously worked for Freeh. “As general counsel,” Freeh said, “I could have engaged any lawyer in America to represent our bank. I chose Eric.”

Until now, the conventional wisdom for why Holder wouldn’t throw the book at Corzine was that Corzine is an Obama campaign bundler. Indeed, as Breitbart News reported, four of the top officials at the Department of Justice–Eric Holder, Thomas Perrelli, Karol Mason, and Tony West–were also big money bundlers for Obama.

But the newly understood crony connections reveal conflicts of interest that extend well beyond mere political support for a common candidate–they go to a tangle of prior business dealings that further underscore the need for a special prosecutor in the Corzine case.


8 Responses

  1. This is one of the silliest articles ever written. All you have proven is that big corporations hire big law firms. And some lawyers that worked these big firms also work in the justice department. What do you expect – big corporations hire small inexperienced law firms?? That the justice department hires unqualified lawyers?? the reason John Corzine hasn’t been prosecuted is because no crime was committed.

    That a website purporting to represent the “yeshiva world” posts this drivel is an embarrassment and contributes to the low standing in which frum Jews are regarded.

  2. Actually I thought that there was reasonable suspicion that a crime was committed. Corzine used money to invest that he was not allowed to use,as least according to the reports at the time.
    However Corzine is a Liberal Democrat so the chances of the media or WH really zeroing in on him are about 0%.

  3. No 1 is correct. There is zero correlation between law firm representations and how partners who have left for government service make decisions. For every case you cite, there are probably ten where former private practice lawyers now in government service have gone after clients of the old firms. The Washington Times, the source of this drivel, is famous for these types of hatchet jobs.

  4. Why make this a partisan issue. Have we all forgottenn Haliburton’s no-bid windfall contracts in Iraq and former VP Dick Cheney’selationship with them?
    Oh, I forgot, Chaney maintains that the office of VP is above the law.

  5. It seems to me that the biggest crime he committed was the use of funds in segregated accounts, basically stealing people’s money and using it to invest in deals for the company. This made many people upset when it was discovered. Also there were likely violations of the Sarbanes-Oxley law, which he himself may have admitted to.

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