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Romney Calls For Special Counsel To Probe Security Leaks

Romney accused President Obama of putting the nation at risk through politically motivated intelligence leaks and defense cuts.

Mitt Romney on Tuesday accused President Obama of putting the nation at risk through politically motivated intelligence leaks and defense cuts and called for a special counsel to investigate the national-security disclosures.

Romney’s speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) national convention in Reno, Nev., aimed to paint Obama as weak on national security and naïve on foreign policy, two areas where the president has consistently polled higher than his opponent.

The presumptive GOP nominee seized on comments from Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) Monday, when she suggested that some of the classified leaks were coming from inside the White House.

“The White House has to understand that some of this is coming from their ranks,” Feinstein said during an address at the World Affairs Council.

She backtracked from her comments on Tuesday, saying in a statement that she did not in fact know the source of the national-security leaks.

“I regret my remarks are being used to impugn President Obama or his commitment to protecting national-security secrets,” Feinstein said. “I know for a fact the president is extremely troubled by these leaks.”

Romney said the leaks were a “national-security crisis,” calling the conduct from the administration “contemptible.”


2 Responses

  1. What do you expect from a president whose closest friends are radicals and anarchists and whose chief advisor, Valerie Jarrett, was born in Iran?

  2. #1, Jarrett is bad news, but what difference does it make where she was born? Are you claiming she was infected with some anti-American virus in the Iranian hospital?! She’s not anti-American because of where she was born, but because of her Marxist beliefs.

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