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Border Police to Establish Chareidi Company

With the drafting of chareidim into the IDF soon to become reality, Border Police Chief Yoram Halevy announced that he hopes to establish a new border police company exclusively for chareidim. The commander explains there is a problematic area in the Wadi Furkin district, and he has been trying to find a solution for years. Now he feels this would be a suitable task for a chareidi company, to deploy them in this area.

Halevy is seeking 100 chareidim for the new company and he feels the mission and the new inductees will be a good match.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Could someone please enlighten me what/where is the Wadi Furkin district, what the problem is and perhaps how a Chareidi border police company is the solution?

  2. Hashem Yishmor! That’s an arab village – of course the Israeli police can’t get near there and hasn’t been able to do anything all this time. Very nice of Yoram HaLevi to say that it would be a “good match” – get rid of two birds in one shot ! We need Moshiach!

  3. there are those that say that there are cadres of charedi bochurim that represent the first line of trckling into the public sphere

  4. gg says:
    July 22, 2012 at 12:40 pm

    Hashem Yishmor! That’s an arab village – of course the Israeli police can’t get near there and hasn’t been able to do anything all this time. Very nice of Yoram HaLevi to say that it would be a “good match” – get rid of two birds in one shot ! We need Moshiach!

    now you see it is not as easy as kollel

    anyway they might thenk the arabs do not look at the Chareidi as teh enamy

  5. The assumption is that Chareidim will be able to establish a much better relationship with the Arab community than would a Chiloni army brigade. There is some logic to this argument.

  6. If Gadolhadorah sees logic in Chareidim serving in Mishmar HaG’vul, let him or his children volunteer for it. Chareidim don’t belong to Mishmar HaG’vul. It is often used to beat up chareidim during demonstrations. If Chareidim must serve, they should set up their own units with the חיל התותחנים‎ (Artilery Corps).

  7. Wadi Fookin [or Fukin, but you may not like that spelling] is south of Yerushalayim, 8 km [5 mi] southwest of Beis Lechem. It is between Beitar & Tzur Hadassah, which is probably the reason that HaLevi feels the chareidi soldiers could be successful there.
    Why is there such a knee-jerk reaction [Hashem Yishmor!] when it comes to the Arabs? Who are we defending this country against, after all?

  8. To No. 7

    The logic is apparent. These security units often are used to beat up Chareidi demonstrators. By having charedim themselves in such units, when they are called to beat up the next group of demonstrators, they will likely show more understanding and compassion and only beat those Chareidim who are truly engaged in unlawful protest and disruption such as throwing rocks or blocking traffic.

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