Reply To: Womyn and their careers

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🍫Syag Lchochma

this conversation is silly. Implying that you are allowed to expose yourself while or in order to feed a baby is nonsense. When people talk about being allowed to nurse in public are they really talking about showing skin?! Or are you talking about being completely covered but still complaining that it isn’t appropriate?
And the people fighting that there nursing in public trumps all rules, are you implying that because you are nursing you can uncover yourself?! Is everyone here really even having the same conversation?
Next point, in 17 years of nursing, I cannot ever say that my baby was so hungry that I just couldn’t help but to disrobe in front of people. It’s not like vomiting folks, you can find a place without women, or stay covered COMPLETELY, or let your baby cry til you are safe somewhere and don’t let it happen again. I have had to nurse a baby while they were buckled in a car seat of a moving car somewhere on a highway between rest stops and I wouldn’t have considered not covering either myself or the windows in. Comparing it to interrupting shmona esrei is beyond apples and oranges.

The two sides could only be”
Nursing in public – COMPLETELY COVERED vs
no nursing in public – even tho you are COMPLETELY COVERED

anyone implying that tznius allows for exposure is probably either pushing an agenda or having some parenting struggles