Obama’s Legacy πŸ‘³β€β™‚οΈπŸ’£πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ—‘

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    What did he do good and what did he do that could have done better?!?


    He didn’t do much of any good. And his legacy is, thankfully, being dismantled piece-by-piece every day, and rather quickly at that, by President Donald J. Trump.


    Ubiq – The reason I started another topic – than what I already did – was because I just saw a U-tube video with him.
    His whole being is to make blacks equal to whites.
    IDK if this will ever happen, but to think that is the most pressing thing in this country is just foolish.
    The main thing about this country is that we are a beacon of democracy in this world!


    “The main thing about this country is that we are a beacon of democracy in this world!”

    Im confused. If that is the “main thing about this country” isnt a key factor of democracy equality among citizens? i.e. making “blacks equal to whites.”?


    Who said a key factor of democracy is equality? Was America not a democracy when it was founded and had slavery? It very much was a democracy then. And clearly equality is certainly not a “key factor” of democracy.


    “Who said a key factor of democracy is equality?”

    Among others, Mr. Jefferson “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal…” of course As Orwell said “some are more equal than others”
    This is echoed in the PReamble to the Constitution “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, …”

    The definition of Democracy is “rule of the people” Now at the time Blacks werent viewed as (full-fledged) people. But few if anyone still has that view. (please dont tell us your view in a public forum).

    sure you can redefine “people” to characterize anything as a democracy. An oligarchy or monacrch ycan then both be called “democracies” if you defien people as a few aristocrats or just the king.


    Was the United States a democracy before the Civil War? Was the United States a democracy before the Jim Crow laws were dismantled in the 1960s?

    Yes to both.

    The little I know

    I was thinking about this, and jotted down a few items in just a few minutes. I need to think a bit more to make sure I haven’t omitted anything. But having someone else with a very different approach is a breath of fresh air.

    β€’ Disempowering law enforcement
    β€’ Racism is determined by the accuser
    β€’ Political correctness is stronger than the Constitution
    β€’ Gender self-identity is not biologically determined, and is fluid according to mood
    β€’ Science can only discover what politicians want
    β€’ Democrats are above the law
    β€’ Partisan politics is the loftiest goal for Democrats, but criminal for Republicans
    β€’ Control the media, control the world
    β€’ All blacks convicted in America are victims of racism and should be pardoned
    β€’ Islam is a religion of peace, and their terror is excused and worth supporting
    β€’ Circumventing Congress for personal agenda is praiseworthy


    Are those Things Obama did or that he could have done better?

    Already addressed. Slaves werent viewed as people


    Jim Crow laws weren’t about slaves.


    Ubiq -” If that is the β€œmain thing about this country” isnt a key factor of democracy equality among citizens? i.e. making β€œblacks equal to whites.”?”

    If it is or not – it’s not the main purpose of democracy.
    You seem so involved with liberalism you can’t see anything wrong!
    When you have many people on both sides condenming Trump on his handling of Charlottsville, but never hear a word on the left about equating Islamic terror with Islam!
    It’s not a coincidence – like Obama and other leftists would have you believe!
    I do believe that there are some that can live together with other religions.


    “Jim Crow laws weren’t about slaves.”

    No but they were (partly) about voter supression of the descendants of said “property”

    Just so I understand you correctly. You dont think it is undemocratic to ban a group from voting based on religion/race etc?


    ubiquitin: Was the U.S. not a democracy until Jim Crow was repealed in the 1960s? The blacks were not considered to be slaves or property under Jim Crow, but nor were they considered to be equals to whites.

    I don’t believe democracy is predicated on equality. Equality is a newer thing. Democracy long predated it,


    “Was the U.S. not a democracy until Jim Crow was repealed in the 1960s?”

    Again as George ORwell said some are “more equal than others”
    Yes the US was a Democracy, because the in structure it is a government of the people.
    Yes it wasnt perfect and some of those people were “less equal”, but with time we have improved and are more democratic.

    you say “I don’t believe democracy is predicated on equality.” so is an oligarchy a democracy? what about a monarchy. In both those situations too the control of government is determined by “the people,” just not all of them or put another way an oligarchy is a democracy just not one predicated on equality.

    Also I cant help but notice you havent answered my question (At least not clearly)
    “You dont think it is undemocratic to ban a group from voting based on religion/race etc?”


    Would Joseph please tell us how he gets his health insurance/healthcare?

    As for democracy, Joseph seems to think it is binary – you are democratic or you are not. America was democratic at its founding, but got more democratic with the end of slavery, the granting of the right of women to vote, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and other advances in democracy over the length of our history.


    Absolute equality is not a necessity for a democracy.

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