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There is no archeological evidence of Jews in the New World before 1492. No Hebrew documents, no tribes with a seven day week and one day off, no tribe refusing to eat treff animals (while pigs were from the old world, there are plenty of animals other than cattle and deet). — A scattered Jews is more likely to be a deserter from the Spanish military (which was operating in what is now the southeastern United States) – and he would not have wanted to be found by the English either (England was officially Judenrein until Cromwell, in the mid-17th century). Much of the gibberish on the subject has to do with Christians feeling the need to convert Jews for their concept of a messiah, and so deciding that Indians were really Jews would help (and finding a large population of Jews who didn’t hold by mitsvos would be a validation of “replacement” theology). — As I said, if a person is 100% American Indian (and not a ger/giyoret), feel free to use them as a Shabbos goy.