Reply To: Confederate Statues

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Can you really imagine someone without a decent uniform, or shoes, picking up their rifle, and marching in the winter or summer through the hills of Virginia or Tennessee just to keep some strangers in slavery?
Has anyone else around the world volunteeered to fight and die over a strangers slaves, or is this uniquely American?
Let’s compare this to the small percentage of people who wanted independence in the 1700’s. The Revolutionary War wasn’t universally wanted either, with New York being a Tory stronghold. If people didn’t want to fight for their own independence, their offspring are going to fight for others slavery?
I’m not even going to ask the rhetorical about why people in the northeast didn’t run at the opportunity to fight in the war if they were so opposed to slavery either.

They didn’t write thousands or millions of volumes on the war for it to be summarized on one sentence that in essence defies human nature.