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Lakewood Swears In New Mayor & Deputy Mayor

lkwd twnshp cmt.jpgIn Lakewood NJ, Mayor Ray Coles has been sworn in for a second one-year term as Mayor of Lakewood. Former Mayor, Meir Lichtenstein has been sworn in for his second term as the Deputy Mayor.

Lakewood’s township committee consists of five members, who between themselves choose a mayor and deputy mayor annually.

Additonally, Meir Lichtenstein will be acting as the new Police Commissioner of the Lakewood Police Department.

Yeshivaworld wishes Meir Lichtenstein and the rest of the township committee much Hatzlocha and good luck in their next year of serving the Lakewood community.


7 Responses

  1. This past year has been pretty crazy in LKWD. Both Meir & Menashe have gone above & beyond their jobs. The oilam owes them much hakoras hatov.

  2. I dont know what you are talking about, CRIME, TAXES, SPENDING, SPENDING NO CONTROL, on police cars alone look how many cars are parked all over the towns lots and only have 7 police officers,just 1 example….. its all a joke. WE NEED A CHANGE

  3. lkwdmacher, read what I wrote. I said that these 2 went above & beyond their jobs. Yes, there are still many problems here. But, they have really helped many people.

    You have many valid concerns, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be makir tov.

  4. I fully concur with post#1 These two tzadikim R’ Meir and R’ Menashe go beyond the call of duty to help each and everyone of their constituents and Acheinu bnei Yisroel. These two are paragons of “oiskei b’tzarchei tzibur b’emunah”

  5. They are wonderful askanim

    As far as the vast multitude of Lakewood day’os and opinions i would like to make a point.
    Taxes, parking, yaddi yaddi….

    On Feb. 18, 1943 Yitzhak Greenbaum, chairman of the Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency declares at a Zionist Executive Council in Tel-Aviv: “When they asked me: Could you not give me money from the United Jewish Appeal funds for the rescue of Jews in Europe? I said No! And I say again, No! One should resist this wave which pushes the Zionist activities to secondary importance”.

    So I ask you, how indeed can we excersice jurdisprudence in our personal context and wherewithal ? (Pursuant to due process and legality, of course)

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