Reply To: Bachelor in 1 year

Home Forums Employment & Business Issues Bachelor in 1 year Reply To: Bachelor in 1 year


Reading your post, it appears you’ll need a remedial English grammar and composition class before completing a ‘Bachelor’s’ or ‘Baccalaureate’ degree program.
One does not get a ‘Bachelor’ unless one is a single girl looking to snare a husband who has never been married.
A do it yourself program that combines Hebrew and English subjects will have little value or respect in the ‘real world,’ the world that hires and pays you a living wage.

BTW>>>on-line classes run by accredited colleges and universities are NOT do it yourself methods. You participate in actual classes conducted by school staff. I have taught an on’line class for a Law School the past 6 years. The student join in a Skype round-table at a set time each week. Students and myself can see and hear each other and interact live. They are required to take the final exam in person either on campus or at a specified academic testing center with a professional tutor in place.